Many references were consulted in the construction of this site, here are some worth mentioning[1]:
Markdown Syntax
- Markdown: Syntax: Created by Daring Fireball, it provides basic syntax and formatting guidelines.
- Writing on GitHub: A GitHub guide on how to use Markdown on GitHub, including GitHub-specific extensions.
- Typora Support: Typora is an elegant and user-friendly desktop Markdown editor. Its support page offers detailed Markdown guides.
- MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference: A reference for Markdown math formulas.
- Detexify: A handwritten recognition tool that helps users find LaTeX symbols through handwriting, ideal for those not familiar with LaTeX syntax.
- Vitepress Markdown: The static site generator used by this site, supports some Markdown extensions.
- mermaid.js: A JavaScript library for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, Gantt charts, and more. The official site offers detailed documentation and an online experience.
- Joshua's Docs - Notes on Markdown-it and Building a Plugin: Official website for Markdown-it plugin development.
- List of markdown presentation tools: A collection by a helpful netizen of tools for creating presentations with Markdown, watch out for ads in the comments.
- Shiki: Syntax highlighting for code blocks.
- A collection of Markdown It plugins.
Technology Stack
- Vitepress: A Vue-driven static site generator that leverages Vite's capabilities to offer a fast development experience and supports Markdown extensions.
WYSIWYG Markdown Editors
- Vditor: A modern Markdown editor that supports What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG), Instant Rendering (IR), and Split View (SV) modes.
- StackEdit: A browser-based Markdown editor that supports real-time collaboration and cloud synchronization.
CV / Resume
- Packaged into a js object:
Powerful ASCII art editor designed for the Mac.
Not only are there static badges, but there are also dynamic ones, such as one-click deployment to Vercel.
This website can generate badges,, for example:
Someone collected badges:
Software, Plugins
- Typora: An extremely elegant Markdown editor, paid. Its documentation is also good.
- Email writing format extension. Chrome
Some content on this page was generated by ChatGPT. ↩︎