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Have ChatGPT Write Markdown

Let It Write Everything

For instance, a TimeLine on this site was written by ChatGPT as follows:

Refer to
Use mermaid timeline
to draw the development history of ChatGPT

GPT's output:

    title ChatGPT Development Timeline
    section Early Development
        2022-11-30 : ChatGPT release, OpenAI
    section Rapid Growth
        2023-01 : Over 100 million users
    section Version Update
        2023-03-14 : GPT-4 released, available to ChatGPT Plus users

The MermaidChart even launched an official Plugin

Optimize Formatting

Feed GPTs with well-written standards, such as Ruan Yifeng's "Chinese Technical Documentation Writing Standards".

If you like using social platforms, you might find that users like using emojis, which can be added to articles appropriately by this GPTs:

ParrotGPT🦜 🦜🦜🦜: repeat your input, but add some emoji🦜🦜🦜

Prompt Replacement

Of course, if you don't have a ChatGPT membership, you can substitute it with prompts. For recommended AIs, refer to this link.